Mrs Palmer
Class Teacher
Monday - Wednesday
Mrs Richards
Class Teacher
Thursday & Friday
Miss Knight
Class Teacher
Mrs O'Malley
Teaching Assistant
Welcome to Poldark class. We are so delighted your child will be spending Year 1 with us.
Please view our ‘Curriculum Overview’ – this provides you with detailed information about what your child will be learning throughout the year. It also outlines how we will support and nurture your child’s personal and social development.
Chilli Challenge Homework
At St Uny C of E Academy, we believe homework is anything children do outside of the normal school day which contributes to, or enhances, their learning. Homework encompasses a whole variety of activities instigated by teachers, linked to current learning, and we ask that parents / carers support this learning at home. The ‘Chilli Challenge’ grid includes a variety of exciting tasks and activities linked to this term’s learning – all pupils should aim to achieve 10 points across their selected challenges.
As reading underpins all that we do, we ask that parents read with their child every day. Please ensure this is recorded in your child’s reading record – each week, members of staff will check reading records as your child works towards their ‘Reading Karate’ bands. Please click on the link below for more information about why reading at home is so important: If we want our children to thrive, teaching them to read is not enough – they must learn to enjoy it | The Independent | The Independent
Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school at all times as timetabled slots for PE can change. Your child should also have a coat and a water bottle in school every day. Please ensure your child’s possessions are labelled with their name.
If you would like to contact your child’s class teacher, please email or speak to the staff in the school office to make an appointment.