
School Council

Our school council meets to discuss important issues in our academy. All years from Nursery-6 are represented, with the children looking for ways to improve our academy even further and provide a voice for all pupils.
Children also represent St Uny at the national 'Younger Leadership Forum' in collaboration with the Diocese. 
Please take a look at the minutes from our School Council meetings.
Mr. Smith met with the newly elected school council members, where the children voted to appoint a new chair, secretary, and treasurer. During the meeting, the council chose Surfers Against Sewage as the charity they would support through fundraising efforts this year. They brainstormed various ideas for raising funds, including non-uniform days, wearing a favorite sportsperson's kit, cake sales, and school discos. Additionally, the group expressed interest in persuading Mr. Hoskins to allow students to wear their PE kits on PE days and to create a new space on the 'Splat'.

St Uny C of E Academy
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